
Your nose is one of the most prominent components of the face that has a great impact on the appearance of beauty. Some people are not satisfied with the size and shape of their nose and this can overshadow their self-confidence.

Rhinoplasty is one of the cosmetic surgeries that:

  • Increase and decrease the size of the nose
  • Narrow the nostrils
  • Change the angle of the nose and upper lip
  • Rhinoplasty can also have a functional aspect and help to eliminate respiratory problems and treat deviation of the middle septum of the nose.

In general, rhinoplasty falls into three categories:

  • nose plastic surgery. When the patient has no breathing problems and only wants to make his nose look more beautiful.
  • Reconstructive nasal surgery. When the patient is not satisfied with the result of his initial nose surgery and wants to fix the problems of the first surgery.
  • Functional Rhinoplasty. When the patient suffers from functional problems in the structure of his nose, such as deviation of the middle septum or respiratory problems.

Among the reasons for performing rhinoplasty are the following:

  • Existence of a hump on the bridge of the nose
  • Large, wide and drooping tip of the nose

People who want to have rhinoplasty should:

  • Be physically healthy
  • Have reasonable and realistic expectations of the outcome of the surgery
  • Be aware of the potential risks of this surgery
  • Their nasal bone growth is complete

Preoperative rhinoplasty procedures and care

One of the important points about rhinoplasty is choosing a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon in this field. During the consultation sessions, the doctor will thoroughly examine the internal structure of the nose as well as the face, consider the patient’s goals, and then the best technique will be considered.

Three-dimensional photography of different angles of the nose is one of the procedures performed by a doctor.

If the patient has had rhinoplasty in the past, he or she should discuss this with his or her doctor.

Before surgery, a series of tips and cases are provided by the doctor that the patient is obliged to follow. Items such as:

Perform relevant tests

Quit smoking two weeks before and even after surgery. Statistics and research show that smokers are more likely to develop complications after surgery than other people.

Stop taking anti-inflammatory and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, gelofen and novafen. These drugs increase the chance of bleeding after surgery.

The important thing is that the patient should inform his doctor about any medication taken, such as herbal supplements or vitamins. Sometimes, if necessary, a new drug will replace the drugs used.

Fasting before surgery. The patient should refrain from eating or drinking food for six to eight hours before surgery.

One of the important things that a doctor should check before surgery is the thickness of the nasal skin, the strength and the presence of cartilage and bone in the nose. Because these two cases directly affect the outcome of rhinoplasty.

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