Hair loss treatments

Hair loss is one of the problems that affects both men and women of different ages. This hair loss can have many causes. Some are caused by treatable problems and some for some no effective cure has yet been found. Today we want to talk about ways and means to prevent hair loss and suggestions on how to treat hair loss.

Symptoms of hair loss

We all lose an average of 50 to 100 hairs per day. The shed hair is normally replaced with new hair strands and the hair density remains constant. If the balance between growth and hair loss is disturbed, that is, hair loss increases or hair growth stops, it is generally said that the person has hair loss. So we all lose hair, but hair loss is a condition that reduces the density of hair.

Most of the time, hair loss occurs gradually and we do not notice it until the density of the hair on the scalp is significantly reduced. The time to start treatment is very important in preventing hair loss (and almost all health problems). This means that the sooner you treat your hair loss, the more likely it is that the treatment will be effective.

The most common signs and symptoms of hair loss are:

Easy hair pulling while pulling

Accumulation of a large amount of hair in the congestion of the well after bathing

Lots of hair falling out when tying or combing hair

Pour a lot of hair on the pillow after a night’s sleep

In this case, it is necessary to see a doctor for further examinations. Because sometimes hair loss is a sign of an underlying disease.

Why is it important to prevent hair loss?

First of all, you should know that hair loss is a common phenomenon and can occur at any age, from infancy to old age. Contrary to many people’s beliefs, hair loss does not occur only in men, and women are not immune to this problem.

The importance of preventing hair loss can be examined from two aspects:

Beauty aspect

In some countries, the hair is known as the crown of youth. Thick hair, in addition to being a sign of youth and freshness, doubles your beauty. If there is any problem with the hair, for example, if hair loss occurs, the appearance of many people will also decline.

Psychological aspect

Following hair loss and its effect on appearance, a person may avoid many job, educational, recreational or social situations due to embarrassment or dissatisfaction with their appearance. This issue is especially important at a young age and in young people. Because this age group has less acceptance for this issue and more vulnerable self-confidence. For example, a school child with hair loss may not go to school until the problem is resolved.

Prevent hair loss with proper nutrition

The health status of a person’s hair reflects in part on his or her nutritional status. This means that good nutrition affects the sex, hair loss rate, condition and resistance of your hair. There should be adequate amounts of protein, vitamins and minerals in the diet to prevent hair loss and maintain its health.

food diets

If you want to lose weight, be sure to talk to your nutritionist about essential nutrients or supplements needed to provide vitamins, minerals, and protein. Avoid unhealthy diets; Because they can have catastrophic consequences for your public health.

In addition to nutrients in diets, the amount of calories consumed is also important. Research shows that sudden and extreme reductions in daily calorie intake cause hair loss. Of course, hair loss due to unhealthy diets is treated and hair growth resumes after returning to a healthy diet. But keep in mind that hair growth is very slow and it may take a year for you to have a hairy head again.

If you are planning to try a vegetarian diet, consult your nutritionist about the supplements you need to learn to prevent hair loss. Because some of the ingredients needed for hair health are only available in animal sources. For example, most people who follow a vegetarian diet are deficient in vitamin D.

Important nutrients for hair

Hair strands are made of protein; Therefore, lack of protein in the diet causes problems in the process of hair formation. Adequate protein intake is especially important to prevent hair loss. Fish, chicken and red meat, eggs and legumes are the most important sources of protein in the diet that should be considered.

Getting enough calcium and magnesium in your diet is important for healthy hair. So include dairy products in your daily diet.

In addition to causing anemia and fatigue, iron deficiency can also cause hair loss. Adequate iron intake is especially important for women of menstrual age. If dietary iron is not enough, iron supplements are recommended.

Deficiency of some vitamins can manifest itself in the form of hair loss. B vitamins, especially biotin, play an important role in hair health and preventing hair loss. So that in the composition of many health cosmetics that are made for hair, there is vitamin B6 and biotin. Food sources rich in biotin include liver, wheat germ and eggs, and rich sources of vitamin B6 include liver, fish, wheat germ and egg yolks.

In some unprincipled diets, oil consumption is generally abandoned. However, consumption of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is effective in maintaining healthy hair. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in large amounts in soybean oil, canola oil and fish oil, and omega-6 fatty acids in corn oil, sunflower oil and canola oil. Consider consuming these oils in moderation.

Various studies have shown the positive role of antioxidants on the strength of hair strands. These substances increase the strength of newly formed hair strands by acting on hair follicles . Popular antioxidants include vitamin E, vitamin C and the element selenium. These substances are present in large quantities in fruits and vegetables.

Prevent hair loss by reducing stress

One of the areas of stress is your hair. If you experience a lot of stress in your life, know that the health of your hair is at risk. In this case, the fragility of your hair will increase, your hair strands will become thinner and the activity of hair follicles to make new hair strands will be disrupted. So stress management plays an important role in preventing hair loss. You can use friends, family, psychologists or stress management classes to reduce your stress.

One of the psychiatric conditions that can cause hair loss is trichotillomania or obsessive-compulsive disorder. In this disease, a person involuntarily plucks his hair and face. Stress is one of the most important factors in aggravating and even causing this disease.

Gently treat your hair!

Sometimes hair loss is due to damage to the hair follicles or hair follicles, and sometimes the damaged hair shaft causes the hair to be pulled out of the scalp. In the first case, which is seen in androgenic alopecia, permanent baldness occurs. In the second case, the baldness stops and the hair grows again.

To prevent hair loss, it is important to take care of your hair in addition to the hair follicles. The hair shaft is the part of the hair that is visible to the eye, and the hair follicles and follicles are small organs that are located inside the skin and make hair.

Cases that can cause damage to the hair shaft and hair loss; These are:

Stretching hair loss due to tightening, weaving or pulling of hair

Heat damage from hair dryers

Excessive use of hair dyes, conditioning gels, tufts, hair straighteners and strippers

Use of low quality cosmetics

Take the following advice and warnings seriously

Tip: Do not forget to comb daily.

If you comb your hair gently every day, it will increase blood flow to the hair follicles. Hair follicles are responsible for making and maintaining hair follicles. So by combing daily, you will maintain the health of your hair.

Recommendation: Use the right shampoo

As mentioned above, sometimes hair loss is due to damage to the hair shaft. This means that the person does not have a problem with hair production, but has suffered from hair loss due to poor hair care. In these cases, it is recommended to use a suitable shampoo to prevent hair loss. For example, if you have dry and wavy hair, you should use conditioning shampoos so that your hair does not become too dry and brittle. Also try to use quality shampoos and reputable brands.

Tip: Let it dry on its own!

Wet hair is at its most vulnerable. For this reason, many dermatologists recommend that you allow your hair to dry naturally and not use a hair dryer or other means. If you use a hair dryer, be careful to keep the hair as light as possible. Heat damage is one of the most common causes of damage to the hair shaft and temporary baldness.

Warning: Stretching injuries are not always temporary.

Traction alopecia is one of the causes of hair loss in men and women who tie or braid their hair tightly. This form of hair loss is more common in women who wear tight ponytails on the top of their heads or weave their hair in the style of African weave.

In these cases, a lot of pressure is applied to the hair shaft and the hair is removed from the head. Sometimes this stretch is so severe that it causes scalp scarring and scarring that can lead to permanent baldness. So to prevent hair loss, avoid such hairstyles (at least for a long time).

Use your personal towel and hat!

As you know, hair is one of the most vulnerable parts of our body due to its high contact with the environment. One of these injuries is exposure to various infections. So personal hygiene is important to prevent hair loss.

The most common infection that affects the hair is a fungal infection which in medical science is called ” Tinea Capitis “. The cause of this disease is a group of fungi called dermatophytes. Favorable environment for the growth of these fungi is warm and humid environments. The disease is highly contagious and can be easily transmitted from one person to another.

The use of towels, hats, pillows and combs contaminated with these fungi are ways to get this disease. The most common symptom of a fungal infection is hair loss, which is usually seen in different areas in the form of distinct circles or coins. The area with hair loss can be painful. Mild fever and enlarged lymph nodes in the head and face are other symptoms of this disease.

Diagnosis of this disease is mainly clinical and with the help of examination. Sometimes a scalp biopsy is needed to perform a mycological test. This infection is treated with antifungal drugs such as griseofulvin, terbinafine or fluconazole for 4 to 6 weeks. To prevent this disease, try to use your own hat, comb, towel and pillow.

Check your medication list.

Hair loss can be a medical complication. Anti-cancer drugs or chemotherapy drugs are one of the most popular drugs that cause hair loss. These drugs inhibit rapidly dividing cells, which include cancer cells as well as hair follicle cells. After stopping these medications, hair loss stops and your hair grows back. Another treatment that is used in cancer and can cause hair loss is radiation therapy, which also causes temporary hair loss.

In addition to chemotherapy drugs , there are many other drugs that can cause hair loss. So to prevent hair loss, you should take a look at your list of medications. Like chemotherapy drugs, hair loss caused by other drugs is temporary and resolves after stopping the drug. Note that the side effects of medications vary from person to person. This means that a medicine may cause hair loss in you but not in other people.

Contraceptives are one of the most widely used drugs and hair loss can be a side effect. The balance that normally exists between different types of sex hormones in the body is very important in the hair growth cycle. Contraceptives can cause hair loss by upsetting this balance.

The list of drugs that can cause hair loss is very long and it contains the names of many common and widely used drugs. So if you have just started taking medication and your hair loss has increased after a while, see your doctor and raise this issue. In many cases, to prevent hair loss, you can stop taking the suspected drug with a doctor and replace it with another drug.

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