Dermal fillers

Gel injection or filler injection is a quick way to make various corrections in the face, including restoring and increasing the volume of the face, increasing the volume of the lips, reducing wrinkles , frown lines and laughter, and so on. There are several types of gels used for injections, some of which are approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). But the most widely used gel for injection is in the form of hyaluronic acid. Young and healthy skin contains a large amount of moisturizing and natural substance called hyaluronic acid.

With age, sunlight and other factors can reduce the amount of hyaluronic acid in the skin and cause wrinkles to appear. Lack of hyaluronic acid in the skin leads to loss of structure and volume of the skin, which in turn leads to the appearance of wrinkles. By using fillers containing hyaluronic acid, this substance can be returned to the skin and the lines created in different parts of the skin can be improved.

The natural structure of the hyaluronic acid molecule is very similar to a sponge. Its main function is to absorb water, which increases the volume of the skin. Thus, hyaluronic acid can be considered as an internal skin moisturizer. Using fillers is a simple, non-surgical method used by your doctor to correct wrinkles and creases on the skin. For this purpose, a gel or filler with a very thin needle head (insulin needle head) is injected under the skin to fill the soft tissue of the inner layer of the skin (dermis). This increases the volume of the dermis and thus reduces the appearance of wrinkles.

The types of gels are different depending on the injection site, for example, high-concentration and compact gels are used for the temples and cheeks and jaw angle , and low-concentration gels are used for weak wrinkles and under-eye wrinkles.

Gels are a type of tissue filler that is divided into several types such as permanent (silicones), semi-permanent (Sculptra) and temporary (conventional market gels), in which hyaluronic acid, one of the natural ingredients in human skin, is used and has the least incompatibility. Are divided by body tissues. These gels are used as a reduction of wrinkles and volume for the cheeks, lips, breasts and fillings of various depressions in the skin. be.


Advantages of gel or filler injection

• It is possible to see results immediately after the gel injection
• It is a non-surgical method
• Short rest period after the gel injection or without the need for rest
• Achieving completely natural results, if done by a specialist and experienced doctor.
• Ability to reverse or modify results
• FDA approved and completely safe method
• Improve and eliminate the signs of skin aging by stretching and filling the skin and removing lines and wrinkles in it with minimal complications

Who can not use gel injection?
• People with infections in the injection site
• People prone to extra flesh and scars
• Pregnant or lactating women
• People with acne or blisters in the area
• Autoimmune diseases and weakened immune systems such as diabetes
• People with allergies to gels Or anesthetic
• People with a history of heart attack, blood clots and deep vein thrombosis
• People with a history of stroke
• People with cancer
• People who have already had a permanent gel injection


What are the contraindications and possible side effects of gel injection?

People who are allergic to any of the components of the gel, those who have already suffered from permanent gels or have an infection at the injection site can not use the gel. Swelling usually occurs after the gel is injected, which improves after a while and can be repaired and re-injected, which varies from one to two weeks.

Side effects of gel injections include allergies, infections, dislocations, granulation tissue, or pelleting.


In the gel injection process, the risk of side effects will be very low if it is done by an experienced and experienced doctor who has good knowledge and information in the field of facial anatomy. Allergic reactions and damage to blood vessels are the main complications that are very rare.

Bruising and bleeding at the gel injection site is the most common complication seen after gel injection. To minimize the risk of this complication, it is best to take anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin (except in patients who need it) and ibuprofen, as well as supplements containing fish oil, green tea, garlic and other products, from one week before the gel injection. Avoid herbs. All of these products are known as blood thinners and delay blood clotting. Therefore, they increase the risk of bleeding. Gel injection, depending on the site, requires local anesthesia with ointment or nerve block.

In what areas and to what extent are gels or fillers used? Gels, which are a type of filler or tissue filler, are suitable for people who suffer from degeneration of fat or other tissue components, or people who want to give more volume to each component of the face, such as lips, cheeks, etc. The amount of gel required for the injection depends on the patient’s wishes, facial design and the fit between the components of the face or other organs, and aesthetic criteria.

Pre-gel care

For faster healing after gel injection, avoid aspirin and other blood-thinning and anti-inflammatory drugs, including nonsteroidal analgesics, for two weeks before gel injection. In addition, avoid vitamin E supplements containing ginkgo, garlic, ginseng and cigarettes. If you are planning to inject lip gel, if you have a history of herpes, be sure to take herpes prevention medicine before consulting your doctor.

If your doctor diagnoses you before the injection to prevent infection, start taking antibiotics and take them regularly after the injection as prescribed by your doctor. Be sure to do the tests prescribed by your doctor before the injection.


Care after gel injection

  • Use the ice pack that is given to you after the gel injection for as long as needed.
  • It is necessary to stay away from heat for up to a week and avoid strenuous exercise.
  • It is necessary to use topical repair products to prevent possible bruising and to use anti-herpes and antibiotics and, if necessary, massage to even out the injected gel.
  • After injecting the gel, do not take a shower for 24 hours and avoid the sauna and steam bath for 10 days.
  • For the first two weeks after the injection, drink up to 5 glasses of water daily, but avoid drinking hot liquids for 48 hours after the injection (especially the gel injection).
  • It is forbidden to use cosmetics for up to 24 hours after the injection.
  • Limit salt intake for up to 10 days.
  • Avoid manipulating or applying pressure to the injection site. Immediately after the injection, the result is obvious, but the injection site may be slightly swollen and the area may be larger than the actual amount. This is especially the case with gel injections . But it improves up to two weeks after the injection.
  • To speed up the healing process, keep your head up and be sure to use your medication to the end, because if you do not follow these tips, the swelling will disappear later. In the first days, avoid doing heavy work and bending.
  • Consumption of fruits, especially pineapple, is recommended due to its content of vitamin C and bromelain, because it accelerates the healing process.
  • Fish, shrimp and omega-3 also have a positive effect on the recovery process after gel injection.
  • Apply a cold compress to the face, then a warm compress to heal bruises and swelling faster.
  • Avoid overexposure to the sun or extreme heat for the first 24 hours.
  • The presence of pimples around the injection site is normal for up to 2 weeks after the injection and will improve over time.



Frequently Asked Questions:

. Is it necessary to consult a doctor before injecting the gel?
Yes, your veterinarian needs to look at your facial features and symmetry and suggest how much and where you need to inject the gel. Your doctor will also inform you of the side effects and care before and after the injection.

۲ . How long does the gel injection last?
Gels have different shelf life and depending on their types, they can last between six months and 4 years. For example, hyaluronic acid-based gels can last for about six months to a year. This persistence can last for different periods of time in different people.

. Do gel injections have major side effects?
Lip gel injection is very safe and the only side effects of this method are bruising and swelling, which is the body’s natural response and resolves naturally after a few days. Infections and allergic reactions are very rare and usually occur as a result of visiting an illegal or unsanitary center.

4. How long is the rest period after gel injection?
Gel injection is an outpatient procedure and does not require clinical rest. People can usually continue their daily activities after the injection. But there may be some swelling and bruising that goes away after two days.

. When can the result of the injection be seen?

The result of the injection is visible immediately after the injection, but at first there may be some swelling at the injection site of the gel, which disappears after a day and the results will be visible.

6. What are the benefits of injecting gels and fillers?

Ease of use
• Injection without the need for anesthesia and only with local anesthesia
• Injection without the need for surgery
• Outpatient of this injection
• Existence of different types of gels, according to the patient’s needs and budget
• Quick and immediate results

7. Is it possible for the gel to be pelleted?
No, standard, FDA-approved gels do not have these side effects.

8. What gels are standard?
Among the reputable gel brands that are represented in Iran, the following brands can be mentioned:
• French Joviderm gel under the license of Allergan Laboratory of America
• Aliaxin gel made by IBSA laboratory in Italy
• Styling gel made in France

9. What should I do in this case if I regret after injecting the gel?

First of all, it is necessary to discuss your expectations with your doctor before the injection. Keep in mind that you should have realistic expectations from the gel injection. If you are not satisfied with the gel injection, you should keep in mind that gels such as hyaluronic acid are absorbed within a few months or they can even be decomposed in the shortest time by injecting hyalase.

10. What is the care after gel injection?
Avoid smoking and smoking for one to two weeks.
Gentle washing of the face is unobstructed.
Avoid itching and massaging the injected area for at least 4 hours as the gel will form at that time.
Use medications prescribed by your doctor to relieve pain and improve bruising.
• Do not apply pressure to the injected gel for 2 days after injection.

۱۱. What are the pre-injection care gels?
Avoid taking anticoagulants such as aspirin, vitamins E and C for two weeks.
Discontinue anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and similar drugs one week before the injection.
• Do not smoke or drink alcohol for a week before treatment.

۱۲. Can the gel be used with Botox injections?
Yes. If the injection site of gel and Botox is different, both injections can be done at the same time.

13. For which areas can gel injection be used?
Gel injections can be used on different areas of the face such as lips, cheeks, chin, around the eyes, forehead wrinkles and to raise eyebrows.


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